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SDS Plus Adaptor



SDS Plus Adaptor 110mm + Pilot Drill
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Monday - Friday 9:00 - 17:00
Item Number Product Code DIAMETER(mm) TOTAL LENGTH(mm)
9600508110 Drill Bits SDS Plus Adaptor 110mm + Pilot Drill LC-C0300110
9600508250 Drill Bits SDS Plus Adaptor 250mm + Pilot Drill LC-C0300250
9600508400 Drill Bits SDS-Plus Adaptor 400mm + Pilot Drill LC-C0300400
9600508600 Drill Bits SDS-Plus Adaptor 600mm + Pilot Drill LC-C0300600
9600509400 Drill Bits SDS-Max Adaptor 400mm + Pilot Drill LC-C0400400
9600509600 Drill Bits SDS-Max Adaptor 600mm + Pilot Drill LC-C0400600